Wisdom 31:15 A Daily Joy.

16 Jan 2017

Well, I'm half way through my self-set challenge! I wanted to read a chapter of the book of Proverbs each day throughout January and share which verses jumped out at me!

Today, it is the turn of Proverbs chapter 15.

Of course there is a ton of treasure in this chapter, as in all the others, but I'm just going to focus on a single verse, verse 30:

'A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.'

How about that as a Daily Quest?

Do you think you and I could dig within ourselves to find a cheerful look to share with someone each day?

And then...

Do you also think that you and I could be thoughtful enough to pay a genuine complement to someone each day?

I think a genuine complement is 'good news' for anyone who hears and accepts it.

I'd like healthy bones, wouldn't you? This is the promise: good news gives health to the bones!

There's a lady up at my local Tesco Express who has one of the most wonderful smiles on the planet. Hers is matched by my friend Darren Regis-Williams - when he smiles, the room lights up! I will go out of my way to see them because they give energy.

I have many other friends who give unsolicited words of encouragement. They are worth their weight in gold to me. I deeply appreciate them.

You and I can be that kind of friend to others.

Wouldn't it be great if your friends and colleagues could say of you,

"Everybody needs a bit of {your name} in their lives!"

Let's focus on sharing that cheerful look and those kind and good words. I can guarantee you'll have a great day!


A Moodscope member.

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