Working with depression

7 Nov 2023

Last night I attended a work meeting which was for disabled members to talk about the challenges they face and support them in their role. I am the coordinator of this group and I came away angry about some of the discrimination disabled members have experienced at work.

It was another late night working (one of two evening meetings this week) and so I texted my boss this morning and said I would start a bit later. She texted back with a heart emoji and commented "good self-care".

This morning as I walked through the woods with my dog before dragging my tired old body and brain to work, I reflected on my experience of working over the last 30 years. For many years I was too scared to declare that I had a disability or long-term mental health condition. I did not want to stick my head above the parapet only to be met with ignorance or discrimination. I am extremely lucky with my current boss, who is herself disabled, and understands I can get tired and low. When I admitted to her a few weeks ago "I was low and not myself" she was genuinely concerned and interested in how I was.

For some in this group, I know that work is not a possibility. I struggle with working. Although it gives me a huge sense of purpose, I find it mentally exhausting. I work four days a week which pays the mortgage and covers the bills. I am lucky I have a good boss and work from home most of the time. But on many occasions in life, I have ended up exhausted and off sick for periods of time.

So I wondered what other Moodscopers feel about their work and juggling a serious condition with the demands of a job?

This is not meant to be depressing!! I can talk of another wonderful boss, who had been a former psychiatric nurse. He just "got me", understood that I worked hard but also needed periods of time of recovery.

So what are your experiences: the not so good and the good?

Maybe we can learn from each other about things that can help us thrive in the workplace....Any ideas welcome?


A Moodscope member

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