Would you like to write a blog for Moodscope?

21 Jan 2017

We've had some great blogs recently from our Moodscope members which have certainly given us all food for thought and encouraged more and more people from the Moodscope community to comment and contribute which makes each topic even more interesting.

If you haven't visited the blog on the web site yet, please take a look when you have time. Everyone there wants to help and provide support to others. It's a wonderful, safe place to discuss any problems or issues you may have. Sometimes, it's just good to know that you're not the only one who may be suffering.

We're now looking for more people to write for Moodscope. You can write about your experiences, therapies/strategies that have helped you, books you've read, music that lifts your spirits, poems that you like - anything really that might uplift or inspire our other members. It should be around 350 words if possible.

Just send your blog to support@moodscope.com for our editorial team to take a look at.

We look forward to reading them and sharing them with our members.

Kind regards.


The Moodscope Team

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

Moodscope members seek to support each other by sharing their experiences through this blog. Posts and comments on the blog are the personal views of Moodscope members, they are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice.

Email us at support@moodscope.com to submit your own blog post!


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