You have to be comfortable with discomfort.

26 Dec 2013

"The comfort zone is always the most desirable place to be. But in settling for comfort, there is a price to pay and it comes in the death of ambition, of hope, of youth and the death of self." Simon Barnes, The Times.

We all too often seek 'comfort' instead of growth and in doing so choose to attempt to stay 'safe', which means (as in any organism), that we are choosing atrophy and 'death' over life!

If we are feeling down, this seeking of safety becomes even more limiting. In the 22 bouts of depression I have had (where for me chemicals have never worked) each bout has only lifted with me embracing something in the future and thus 'believing' that there actually is a future.

In NLP terms I needed to move 'towards' something and not just attempt to 'move away' from something.

This is to have (or create) some form of meaning in the future, almost for me, committing to believe there is life out there for me yet - and to shift, albeit psychologically painful, from where I may not even be able to move out of a room, never mind the house!

So I LOVE this quote from Simon Barnes and it is true whether for a person, a family, a team, an organisation, a community or the planet.

Great truths work in every situation...because they are just that - great truths. Just think - in a couple of weeks, none of the skin you presently have will be there - and in around nine months few if any of the cells in your body (I believe) will be there either - so who will you be? Only your spirit really remains...

Everything constantly changes and the only constant in life is CHANGE and it is not and never was helpful to attempt to hang on and seek comfort. In doing so you are 'dying' and your spirit with you.

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