I like to take a break from writing more serious blogs. I like to learn more about Moodscopers.
Often, we are just names and may answer comments but do not give much away and that is fine.
I’d really like it if you would answer the line “You may be surprised to know…”
It can be anything small - I eat doughnuts for breakfast, sleep with socks on, I eat jelly with avocado. I have just made all those up to give you an idea of what you can write about.
I am thinking maybe people who have not written before may like to have a go and join in.
I think online we only present are small part of our personality and that is good for many people who like to be private online, but I think you can talk about something that may surprise without revealing anything.
I will start.
You may be surprised to know that I once taught Health education students aged 11-18 years. The course ranged from 1 hour only to a I hour course for 6 weeks. It covered everything from puberty to contraception, depending on age.
You may be surprised that I have never had an animal as a pet, besides my soft toys!
Your turn - just one example is fine or more whatever you feel comfortable with.
A Moodscope member.
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