People speak of 'Unconditional Love' – an attractive concept that seems far from my grasp.
Or is it?
The ideal is for Mum and Dad to love us unconditionally in those first few months. We don't all get that, but that's the plan!
Eventually, however, conditions begin to be applied. Rules are laid down. Rules are broken. Consequences emerge!
"Be quiet in the restaurant!" "Don't run!" "Hold Mummy's hand!" "Stop showing off!" "Be brave!"
Little by little the vital 'Rules of the Game' are taught to us so that we can become valuable members of Society. I get that. It's good. It's important. And yet it's very harmful. Life can become too conditional.
I am a human being, not a human doing.
One day, I will reach a point where I can no longer contribute 'value' to Society. My 'doing' will cease to be useful. But my being will endure – and hold enduring value. That's unconditional – it has to be.
Whilst I may feel Unconditional Love is an experience far away, Unconditional Living is within my grasp.
I can choose to tip the waitress or the waiter in the restaurant - not in line with the service they've given, nor even in line with the service I'd like to get. That's way too conditional. I can choose to tip them as a fellow human being – someone I value unconditionally.
I can choose to let people out in traffic whether or not they thank me. My gift of an opportunity to them doesn't have to be conditional on any reciprocal action whatsoever.
In fact, I can choose to thank people in general – unconditionally.
I can choose to hold open doors for people – regardless of age, gender or gratitude!
I can choose to phone those friends who forget to phone me.
I can choose to work without seeking financial reward – it's my choice. It's my art.
I can choose peace when others choose conflict.
I can choose hope when others opt for despair... and I can do this unconditionally – based on no evidence for hope whatsoever.
I can choose faith – to believe the best of others – even in spite of the evidence to the contrary.
I can choose love, even where others have decided to pull away, pull back, or put up barriers.
I am.
I am free.
I am, unconditionally yours.
A Moodscope member.
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