
Do my subscriptions renew automatically?

Yes, they are renewed automatically every month until your account is cancelled.

How much does Moodscope cost?

Every Moodscope member gets a 21 day free trial when they subscribe. Afterwards, you'll then pay monthly, either £3.99, $5.99, or €4.99, depending on the currency you choose.

How do I change the credit/debit card I am using for my subscription?

To change your credit/debit card go to your Profile page where you will find your Payment Methods. Click here and follow the instructions to change them.

How do I close my Moodscope account?

To close your Moodscope account go to your Profile page, scroll to the bottom of the page and under Account Actions there is a Close Account button. Please click on this and follow the instructions.

How do I change my Nickname

To change your Nickname, go to your Profile page and click on Settings. Click on the Edit button under Profile details.

How did you choose the adjectives for the Moodscope test?

The adjectives are those used in the PANAS, a test that has been extensively used by psychologists since the 1980s after its invention by David Watson, now at the University of Iowa.

How do I add a comment to my graph?

To add a comment to a score on your graph, just click on the relevant node on the graph and it will bring up a dialogue box you can complete. You are allowed 800 characters for each day.

How can I download or print out my graph?

You can download or print out your graph by clicking on the ‘Export options…” button sitting just below the graph. You can choose to print it or download and save it as a PNG image or a JPEG image.

My graph is only showing the last 7 days, how can I view my scores over a longer period of time?

You can view your scores over a variety of time spans. Click on the ‘Choose period to view…’ button sitting just below the graph. You can choose Past 30 days, 90 days, 365 days or all time.

What time period does the Affectogram cover?

In one simple chart which takes the form of a ‘heat map’ you’ll be able to see at a glance how your scores for all twenty emotions have varied over the past 28 days.

What is the purpose of the Affectogram?

Moodscope’s main focus of course is on giving you one simple overall score for your mood which we track for you from day to day. But there’s an enormous amount of data backing up this apparent simplicity. After all a Moodscope score is based on your responses to the twenty different emotion cards. So what might you learn from exploring your day-to-day scores for these underlying variables? Could you discover your emotional strengths and weaknesses? Very probably.

Why is my Triggergram not showing any words/the same words in each word cloud?

If you’re not seeing any, or many words on your Triggergam, or exactly the same words appear in both clouds, it’s likely that you’ve not yet added enough comments to get a meaningful result. Stick with it. Keep adding comments to your graph and you should soon see some helpful patterns emerging. If you click on the words in the clouds you’ll be able to view the actual comments that ‘fed’ them.

What time period does the Triggergam cover?

Moodscope automatically looks back over the last six months (or the entire time you’ve been using the site if it’s less than this) and picks out the comments you’ve added on your ten highest-scoring days, as well as those you’ve typed on your ten lowest-scoring days. It’s these two selections of text which are used to produce your Triggergrams - one for your best days in the past six months, the other for your lowest days.

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St John's Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge, UK, CB4 0WS

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